Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don’t Miss – New York: Francesco Clemente, A Private Geography at Mary Boone Gallery Through December 18, 2010

Don’t Miss – New York: Francesco Clemente, A Private Geography at Mary Boone Gallery Through December 18, 2010: "

Francesco Clemente, Irons and Rainbows, 2010. © Francesco Clemente via Mary Boone Gallery

Francesco Clemente’s A Private Geography has entered it’s final week at the Fifth Avenue location of the Mary Boone Gallery. The show consists of the artist’s most recent works on paper and is presented as a sampling of Clemente’s haunting meditations.

More story after the jump

Francesco Clemente, After Attar’s ‘The Conference of the Birds’ II , 2010. © Francesco Clemente via Mary Boone Gallery

Private Geography includes forty-four individual works created over the course of four years across four continents; the artist describes the exhibition as a reflection of his nomadic lifestyle.

Francesco Clemente, Actors of the Terreiro II, 2010. © Francesco Clemente via Mary Boone Gallery

The exhibition examines the impact of the physical location of the artist in creating his work; his treatment of media and subject based on geography. Though each piece is on paper, the artist demonstrates his versatility from watercolor to pastel to ink.

Francesco Clemente, Actors of the Terreiro VI, 2010. © Francesco Clemente via Mary Boone Gallery

The work in the show seems a more subtle examination of the ‘spiritual’ than exhibitions in the past, and the installation highlights the artist’s delicate woven geometries and organic icons. Private Geography also showcases the influence of mystic traditions in Clemente’s work, particularly traditions from India and Brazil. These themes are treated delicately while maintaining the artist’s signature sense of subtle irony.

Francesco Clemente, After Attar’s ‘The Conference of the Birds’ V, 2010. © Francesco Clemente via Mary Boone Gallery

-M. Phinney

Related Links:

Mary Boone Gallery [Official Site]


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