Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7 Rock Songs Exploited for Commerce and Conservatism

7 Rock Songs Exploited for Commerce and Conservatism: "When political songs are used to hawk goods and right-wing agendas, the song can get ruined by association.

Since the U.S. government doesn't support artists like most first-world countries, musicians are increasingly filling their duckets with cross-promo deals from companies. While outside-the-mainstream artists and the towers of commerce have historically had a tenuous relationship, in the choked-income era of the mp3 - where it's increasingly difficult for even prominent groups to make a living off recorded music - more and more musicians have been letting marketers use their tunes for a check.

It's such a frequent occurrence it barely registers as cognitive dissonance these days... the song's political message is wildly at odds with the capitalist idea being sold. (See: Rolling Stones' latest.) Or, worse, left-wing songs are hijacked by right-wing politicians without permission. In both instances, sometimes the disconnect is so vast, it ends up in the courts. At the very least, it leaves a sour taste in your mouth."

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