Canadians: 2 weeks left to tell Parliament how you feel about the Canadian DMCA!: "Michael Geist sez, 'Last month, the Bill C-32 Legislative Committee invited Canadians to provide their views on the bill. Even if you have spoken out before - an email or letter to your MP, a letter to the Ministers, a submission to the copyright consultation, or a posting online - it is important to speak out again. Make sure the committee studying Bill C-32 hear from Canadians about the importance of maintaining a fair approach that does not result in digital locks trumping consumer rights and that advances fair dealing for the benefit of creators, consumers, education, and business. The Committee has set the following parameters: 'In order for briefs on Bill C-32 to be considered by the Committee in a timely fashion, the document should be submitted to the Committee's mailbox at by the end of January, 2011. A brief which is longer than 5 pages should be accompanied by a 1 page executive summary and in any event should not exceed 10 pages in length.''
Speak Out on Copyright: The Bill C-32 Edition

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