Stephen Harper's grand achievement
The prime minister is altering the political culture of Canada, moving it almost imperceptibly to the right.

You're not likely to get anywhere near as clear a picture of that from the MSM, but the following excerpts of Globe and Mail readers' comments from December 2008 show that many Canadians were aware early on of Ignatieff's true role - the death of the Liberal party, to be brought about in much the same manner as the way was paved for the 'Christian' Reformers by Mulroney (whose own 'grand achievement' was 'Dragging Canada kicking and screaming into the 21st century' Wiki) - although one YouTuber fully credits Peter MacKay for the gory demise of the Progressive Conservative Party.
'Iggy shook hands with Harper to extend the American War in Afghanistan, He says the 'Pearsonian' days of Canada as a Peacekeeper are over..'Honourable mention goes to Best Man Jack Layton:
'Sounds like we'll have another arrogant party leader that we can't trust. Maybe Harper and Michael can sit and have dinner and each take turns stroking their own egos.'
'Compared to Ignatieff, Stephen Harper is warm and spontaneous ... The country doesn't need a leader with Ignatieff's politics. The job is already taken.'
'Did you know most American Presidents were educated at Harvard? The other few were from Yale. These two universities account for over 90% of the membership of the Brotherhood of Death, the Secret Skulls and the Lizard-Men from Alpha Centauri. Mr. Ignatieff is well placed.'
'Wasn't it, like, a month ago that the Toronto Star endorsed Dion as PM? Whatever happened to Dion?'
'And remember boys and girls, it was Ignatieff who likened the Liberals to puffins. Real good at hiding poo.'
'In a way this is great news. Harper and Ignatieff are closer ideologically than Ignatieff and Layton.'
'That whole 'workin-man' theory is just a fantasy cooked up by the NDP who need to brainwash the workin' man for his support. 'vote for us and we will build big fast ferries, and our government will supply good-payin' jobs and all that rot. It's a Robin Hood Complex that we need to be wary of.'Little wonder that Harper's attack ads have aleady been pulled. Were they just another play fight to hide the nuptial poo?
Actually, that opening Citizen article smacks of a bit of an obituary, don't you think? I mean, celebrating Harper's grand achievement as if there is no tomorrow? Nothing grander in the picture?
I keep asking, will Harper walk away if he ends up with another minority and the Liberals survive another term?
Image borrowed from Trashy's World
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