Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dan Deacon to Score Francis Ford Coppola Movie(?)

Dan Deacon to Score Francis Ford Coppola Movie(?): "

I just finished writing my big article for the day, but I can’t help blogging about this. Apparently, Dan Deacon is set to score a new movie by Francis Ford Coppola. And it’s a gothic romance? Starring Val Kilmer? It’s called Twixt Now and Sunrise, and it’s due out later this year.

This, I have to see. Although, before anyone gets too excited, let me remind you of Rumble Fish, and what a fine avant-garde mess that was. Thanks, Stewart Copeland, for helping me through that wildly inconsistent waste of talent.

According to the press release, “Mr. Coppola and Mr. Deacon are collaborating on a larger level”, which to my mind means that the film’s failed working subtitle, Apocalypse Meow, might actually see the light of day. Just sayin’.


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