Monday, January 10, 2011

FLASHBACK: Did CIA doctors perform torture research on detainees?

FLASHBACK: Did CIA doctors perform torture research on detainees?: "Doctors and other health professionals working for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) might have been illegally performing research on detainees after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to a new report issued by the advocacy group Physicians for Human Rights.

If confirmed, the research would be in violation of the American Common Rule, the Nuremberg Code and other professional, national and international ethical guidelines that ban research on non-consenting human subjects. The CIA has denied that any such research or human experimentation has occurred in its detainee program.

To ensure new 'enhanced interrogation' techniques did not cross the line into torture (by causing 'severe and long-lasting' pain) after 9/11, the U.S. Department of Justice required health professionals to be present during many CIA interrogation sessions with detainees. But in the process of monitoring, doctors often 'collected and analyzed the results of those interrogations, and sought to derive generalizable inferences to be applied to subsequent interrogations,' according to the report. And that process, the report authors noted, qualifies as illegal research."

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