Thursday, January 13, 2011

Henry Rollins On Dealing With Far-Right Scuttlebutts: Ignore Them...

Henry Rollins On Dealing With Far-Right Scuttlebutts: Ignore Them...: "

Vanity Fair:

America has a new name to splash across the front pages of its newspapers and Web sites: Jared Lee Loughner, age 22, accused of shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others last Saturday in Tucson, Arizona.

Almost immediately after the horrific event, which left six dead and 14 wounded, people searched for a reason for Loughner’s actions. Almost immediately, Sarah Palin’s name came up. On her Web site, Palin had posted a map of the United States with marks designating the home states of Democratic politicians to defeat. The marks, some say, resemble crosshair sights, and Giffords was one of the Democrats singled out. The map has been taken off the site, and Palin has sent her condolences to the victims and their families. I hope she’s feeling better…

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