Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Letter from Kerouac to Brando

Letter from Kerouac to Brando: "This is a c.1957 letter from Jack Kerouac to Marlon Brando. Helen Hall, former head of Christie's auction house's Entertainment Memorabilia division, found the letter a few years ago in Brando's house. Hall is guestblogging over at Collectors Weekly right now. The letter from Jack to Marlon brought in $33,600 at auction. Click to see the whole thing larger.

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“I’m praying that you’ll buy ON THE ROAD and make a movie of it…. I visualize the beautiful shots could be made with the camera on the front seat of the car showing the road (day and night) unwinding into the windshield, as Sal and Dean yak…. You play Dean and I’ll play Sal.”

'Letter from Jack Kerouac to Marlon Brando'


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