Friday, January 7, 2011

The Rap Guide to Evolution: Helping out with the music videos.

The Rap Guide to Evolution: Helping out with the music videos.: "

Now that classes have started, and I'm in the 'teaching' zone again, it's always cool to check out folks who have come up with unconventional, and dare I say, innovative ways of talking science. One such example is Baba Brinkman, who does a great job of communicating the principles and various nuances of evolution using rap and hip-hop. In fact, there's a whole album's worth of material called 'The Rap Guide to Evolution,' which you can listen to for free or download/purchase if you so choose.

As well, the artist recently received an educational grant to create a series of videos for the songs, but has been seeking out some additional funding to really open up post-production possibilities (i.e. animations, access to footage, etc).

Quite a few biology and psychology teachers already use the rap songs in their classes to introduce evolutionary concepts to their students, and these videos will make an even more potent vehicle for communicating science in an entertaining manner.

The initial funding from the Wellcome Trust allows us to shoot live footage for each video with a professional film crew, edit it, and set up a website to distribute the videos. This phase of the project will be completed by mid-December. The additional funding from Crowdfunder will allow us to produce original animation and digital effects and license high-quality nature footage from the BBC, to make the vision of each video really come to life.

In any event, check out the songs, the video above and also the link below if you want to help out.

The Rap Guide to Evolution DVD Project


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